Sunday, October 21, 2007

Weight Lift & Toss

Well here's my latest animation, the weight lift and toss. I was very happy with the lift(s), but not so much the toss. The timing kept screwing me up, and trying to get the body bag to look like it was slowed down (when it hit the railing before it fell) looks now like it didn't work.

The other tough part of this was the timeframe. Only 2 weeks for this, at the same time several other large projects were due. Couple that with 26 hours at work shifts in the Friday, Staurday and Sunday before the due date meant there was very little sleep this past week. And of course the best part, hearing everyone else in the course complain about the time restraints, while they don't have a job! Try losing 25-30 hours out of your homework time every week and see how you do then whiners! 

If you can't tell, its supposed to be a nervous mofia temp throwing a body bag off a bridge.